Saturday, November 01, 2008

Exercise Myth

I need to work out twice a day for effective workouts
  • Example: cardio in a.m. and lifting at night.
Truth: You only need to come once a day!

Why? Because you will burn out easily and over train the muscles. If you feel time pressure try
interval training or circuit training more effective, short-term workouts in one session.

Get a full cardio workout in 15 minutes

If you're in a rush, consider interval training. Just 15 minutes of intense interval training can replace 45 minutes of low-level cardio, like walking.

The difference? Instead of maintaining a moderate pace throughout your exercise session, you alternate all-out sprints with rest periods.

This technique burns calories and can be potent for "everyday people, even those with heart conditions or previously inactive people," says Martin Gibala, a kinesiologist at McMaster University in Ontario.

As for timing, alternating 1 minute of sprinting with 1 minute of rest is a good plan for most people, Gibala says, but, "anything from 30 seconds to 2 minutes of sprinting with rest periods from 1 to 4 minutes in between will work."

Option: If your running sprint can't be an all-out effort (85% of your max), don't hit the track. Instead, "sprint" on a stationary bike to cut risk of injury; check with your doctor.

Jorge Cruise
USA Today Weekend

Obesity-Cancer Link Unknown to Many Women

By Anne Harding

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Many women don't know that obesity increases their risk of several types of cancer, a new survey published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology shows.

Women's lack of knowledge about excess weight and the most common gynecologic malignancy, endometrial cancer, is particularly worrying, Dr. Pamela T. Soliman of M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and her colleagues say. "We need to be doing a better job of educating our patients," Soliman told Reuters Health.

Women who were overweight were four times more likely to develop cancer of the uterine lining, Soliman and her team note in their report, while obesity boosts the risk by six-fold. Obese women also are at greater risk of breast and colon cancer. Excess weight also increases mortality from many cancers, with the strongest association seen for endometrial cancer; heavy women are 6.25 times more likely to die from the disease.

To investigate awareness of the obesity-cancer link, Soliman and her colleagues surveyed 1,545 women, 28 percent of whom were normal weight. Another 24 percent were overweight, while 45 percent were obese. Ninety-one percent of the study participants had health insurance.

Just 42 percent knew that obesity increased their risk of endometrial cancer, while 53 percent knew that colon cancer is associated with obesity and 54 percent were aware that excess weight increases breast cancer risk.

The women in the current study were fairly well educated, with most having a college or professional degree, Soliman noted, and the great majority had health insurance. "Even patients who are routinely seeing their physician weren't aware that obesity increases their risk," she said.

Vaginal bleeding is a key symptom of endometrial cancer in post-menopausal women, while bleeding between periods can be a sign of the disease in women who are still menstruating, Soliman said. Seventy-five percent of endometrial cancer cases are caught early, and early-stage disease can typically be cured with surgery, she added. "It's a relatively curable disease and that's why it's so important if women have symptoms to seek care."

SOURCE: Obstetrics & Gynecology, October 2008.
We are all trying to make it through the holidays without packing on any extra weight. One of the questions, as you can imagine we get is how to cut back on some of the calories during Thanksgiving without sacrificing eating a great meal. Below are a few tips we found that can help you out. If you have any tips you'd like to share, we'd love to hear from you. Just write a comment below.

Quick Low-Fat Tips for Thanksgiving

Here are six quick and easy ways to cut fat from your Thanksgiving feast:

  1. Remove skin from turkey before eating
  2. Make gravy from de-fatted drippings. Allow the fat to rise to the top, then skim. If time allows, cool the drippings, which makes the task of skimming much easier
  3. Replace the butter often called for in stuffing recipes with fat-free broth. If your stuffing calls for sausage meat, use chicken sausage instead of pork.
  4. Make skinny mashed potatoes by replacing butter and heavy
  5. Use reduced-fat mushroom soup in your green bean casserole, and use cooking spray to saute the onions.
  6. Make your pies with low-fat phyllo dough as the base.

By Fiona Haynes,