Monday, September 01, 2008

September Exercise Tips

Here are some tips from our Fitcorp experts on how to look better and feel better.

Have a workout buddy.
Having a gym partner helps you stay motivated. Spending time with friends or family also makes the routine more enjoyable, making the quality a lot better.

Listen to your body.
Working out is not a competition with other members in the gym. If you are in pain, take a break. Don't overexert yourself to the point of potential injury. Even if you've had the same routine for weeks or months, pay attention to your body if it needs to rest.

Play mind games if you get bored.
For some people, running long distances can get monotonous. Play little games with yourself, like sprinting for 100 steps and then slowing down for the next 100. Continue this game for a good portion of your run, and the intensity of your run will be a lot higher. Not to mention, time will fly by! Mental games can help with any form of exercise. Running, rowing, and biking are great examples.

Walk while talking on your cell phone. You would be surprised at how many calories you can burn when you're not even paying attention!

Make exercise a priority.
Too many people blame their lack of exercise on not having enough time. Make time! Setting a regular time for fitness will make it much easier to stick to.

Change your routine up.
After a while of doing the same exercises, our muscles get bored because they don't have to work as hard. Change your program every six weeks, and don't be scared to try new exercise activities you may enjoy. Group fitness has a wide variety of classes that work different muscle groups, like Yoga, Pilates and Kickboxing. Our new Zumba dance class is another fun way to burn tons of calories.

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